
Thank you for visiting. Please feel free to comment on any of my blogs. Much of my discussion is political in nature - civil discussion only please! Enjoy!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Why I am Moved to Action

Our federal government has evolved from a government “of the people, by the people, for the people” to a government “of the Elitists, by the Elitists, for the Elitists”. Barack Hussein Obama currently serves as Chief Elitist, but former Chief Elitists include politicians from both mainstream political parties. Elitists profess political views from one extreme to the other and all points in between. Many have never worked in private enterprise, preferring instead to sponge off the People by working in government. Perhaps to satisfy a guilty conscience, career Elitists often refer to their time in government as “service to their country.” The Elitists have awarded themselves handsomely in exchange for their “service”, including generous pay and benefits. Their ranks include liberal Democrats, conservative Republicans, and so-called Independents of various stripes. In the eyes of the Elitists, “We the People” exist to serve them. In the eyes of the Elitists we are their Serfs.

Elitists have established their status quo, which they furiously guard and protect. They have enlisted the Media as their Minions. The Media Minions tout the Elitist message. They filter and twist the news and information that “We the People” see thereby seeking to keep the Serfs ignorant of the real priorities, goals, agendas and actions of the Elitists. What motivates the Minions? Besides the fact that many of them are paid lots of money, it seems that they actually believe that they, too, are Elitists. By talking down to the Serfs whom they generally regard as stupid and uninformed, the Minions seek to elevate themselves to Elitist status. But they will never really be Elitists; they will always be the Elitists’ tools. The Elitists will see to that.

By continuing to reelect career Elitists to office, “We the People” have assumed the role of Serf; we were not taken by force. The Elitists, via their Minions, tell the Serfs what they should think, what they should do, what personal values they should keep and what personal values they should abandon. Serfs labor for the benefit of the Elitists, who forcibly confiscate Serf money and apply it to their pet causes and projects often with complete disregard for what the Serfs might think of it. Serfs sit at the feet of the Minions, eagerly soaking up their Elitist message. Why should Serfs read the Constitution, listen to a speech, study history, or assert any effort at all to form their own understanding of what the Elitists are up to? The Minions are here to inform and educate us! Why, if CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC and the rest broadcast it, it must be true! If the NY Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, Time and the rest print it, it must be true! If the talking heads on radio say it, it must be true! Should the Serfs ignore or disregard the Minions? Of course not – but to be truly informed to the point of eradicating the Elitist – Minion – Serf hierarchy, Serfs must take the time and make the effort to listen with their own ears, think with their own minds, craft informed positions, and work tirelessly in support of those positions.

To the Elitists in government I may be just a Serf, but I have a few ideas that I believe will truly change our nation for the better and create a legacy that we can be proud to pass to our children and future generations. I will address them in detail in upcoming essays, but here they are in general terms:

  • We the People must reject the Serf role and, instead, take seriously our role as citizens by becoming informed and actively participating in all levels of government;
  • We must reject the hateful and harmful discourse that is prevalent in our society and replace it with civil discussion;
  • We must reform the role and scope of government under the authority of the United States Constitution;
  • We must change the status quo by eliminating the Elitists’ reign in government;
  • We must replace current tax codes.

These are only ideas. I will expand on them in future essays, and as the political landscape changes I may just add a few. Until then, I welcome civil commentary and discussion from any of my fellow Americans who happen upon my little corner of the web. Let’s take our country back!


  1. I’ll look forward to reading your posts. For all that we have in common (quirky senses of humor, shared faith in God and our shared youthful experiences), and as fond as I am of you, our political opinions seem to be pretty much polar opposites. While I seriously doubt I’ll ever completely agree with you, I hope I’ll be able to understand your position and find common ground. I already agree with you on a couple of points: I wholeheartedly agree that people should try to make themselves as informed as possible about the issues, the candidates and the options, and I definitely agree that civil discourse is a very good thing. I don’t know how much discussion I will participate in because to be perfectly honest I don’t have much patience for it. It’s an area I’d like to improve in. I will definitely read your posts and consider your opinions. Yours in Christ.

  2. What prompted you to envoke the presidents middle name?
