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Monday, November 21, 2011

We Can Do Better

I read on CNN this morning that the so-called Super Committee is preparing We the People for an announcement of failure. I'm not surprised. Like most of the happy ideas that emanate from Washington DC, the concept of putting 6 rhinos and 6 dinos into a sequestered room and asking them to find what amounts to a raindrop’s worth of savings is disgusting on one hand and motivating on the other.

It is disgusting because our government should not operate that way. Closed-door sessions mean that We the People hear only what the committee members want us to hear. We will never know the true content or context of their discussions. We will be overcome with disgust when they announce their inevitable failure, for nobody will take ownership of the outcome. It will be the fault of those taxaholic dinos or those taxaphobic rhinos. It won’t be “my” fault. “I” came fully prepared to reach a solution. Yeah, right. By the way, you can pick up your generous government paycheck as you exit the building. Thanks for nothing.

That said, I find this whole silly affair very motivating. How much more evidence do we need before We the People overhaul our government? For how much longer are we willing to pay these career politicians to laugh at us as they bank their generous government paychecks? This whole disgusting affair that we call government should motivate every one of us to action. Don't rely on the kool-aid force fed by your favorite pundits on so-called network and cable "news" channels. Their kool-aid supports their respective agendas and drives ratings; it offers no substance. Read and fact check everything the talking heads try to feed you. Read the position statements of every candidate for every office you will vote for. Get involved locally and participate in public forums at which the opportunity to meet local candidates is available. Thanks to the rhinos and dinos in government today, I am a much more informed citizen then ever before and most of them will not like my vote come election day.

People, don’t let them take us down. Read. Learn. Act. Start local and work from there. Last time I checked, this country still belongs to We the People. It’s time we showed some interest.

1 comment:

  1. We are the People! We need to vote for the candidate that shares the ideals most closely aligned with our beliefs. After that, we can only hope that our candidate would be the frontrunner against the current administration of far left Democrats. But, if not, we must wholeheartedly pull behind the Republican candidate running against President Obama. I think any Republican candidate would be much better for America than the current liberal, do nothing but spend adminstration.
