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Monday, July 2, 2012

Accountability: Something We Can All Agree Upon

Since the Supreme Court announced it’s ruling on Obamacare last week, I have run the gamut of emotions ranging from extreme anger to intense motivation. At first I was livid – livid that the Court, and Chief Justice John Roberts in particular, would find the law Constitutional. Like many others I was hopeful that the law would be rejected in its entirety and certain that at least the individual mandate would be discarded. But, as we all now know, that was not to be.

My initial reaction was quick and largely uninformed. I called Chief Justice Roberts a “Constitutional Poser” on twitter, stating that he fooled us all during his confirmation process. I felt he had abandoned the Constitution, possibly giving in to political pressure imposed by the president and/or certain members of Congress. But as I’ve read articles and blogs written by people much smarter than me, I’ve come to realize that my initial reaction was misguided, as were my statements about the Chief Justice. I’ve also come to the conclusion that the Affordable Care Act is not about health care; it is a scheme for redistribution of wealth shrouded in a cloak of benefits. Obamacare is the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing, and We the People were deceived.

I remember the frustration I felt when the bill was introduced in Congress. There was a tight deadline by which the vote must take place; a deadline that would in no way permit legislators and their aids to read, interpret, and fully understand the proposed law. Nancy Pelosi admitted that when she told us we had to pass the bill to see what is in the bill. This was clearly by design, and at the time I was incensed: Since when does the United States, the greatest democracy in the world, conduct its legislative business in this manner? Bills are to be publicly debated and fully vetted before voting. President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and their minions were bound and determined to avoid public debate. Why? What was in the bill they did not want us to see? As we now know, the focal point of this legislation was a massive tax increase that would hit Americans at many income levels. Public debate would have exposed this fact and effectively killed any chance of the bill’s passage. The President and the Speaker knew that, and I suspect that every legislator that voted to pass this bill knew that. They knowingly deceived the American people they’re supposed to represent, and for that they must be held accountable.

No matter where we stand politically, none of us should tolerate or support the behavior of President Obama or Congress with regards to this legislation. This is not a dictatorship. This is a democracy and We the People must hold our elected leaders accountable for their actions. We have the power to exercise accountability in the voting booth. The president must be defeated in November. Every legislator that voted for Obamacare must be defeated in November or in the next election cycle during which they must run for reelection. They must be replaced with leaders who will honor and uphold the Constitution. We must insist on the full repeal of Obamacare and engage in a national discussion about the delivery of health care. What are the root problems and what are the best means within the boundaries of our Constitution to address those problems? We all have our opinions, but I don’t believe anybody really knows. Rather than electing leaders that stifle this process, let us elect leaders that will work together to uncover the truth, thereby leading us to the best possible solution for all Americans. I intend to actively work to achieve these goals come November. I encourage each of my fellow Americans to do the same.


  1. Good article.. thanks for the lucid words. It is a sad commentary on the american conscience when our constitution can be overtly trampled, & we just accept it. Of course, what can an individual citizen do? We can vote. We can bitch. We can post comments on blogs & forums. But the damage has been done by the leftist propaganda machine, & our constitution suffers, along with the freedoms of all americans.

    But i am with you that we need to vote in honest, stubborn, mean constitutionalists.. surly bean counters that will say 'hell, no!' to all the statist agendas. This november can be a turning point. Lets flush out the socialists & big spenders & put in true public servants!
