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Thursday, March 15, 2012

My Decision: Ron Paul 2012

Like many of my fellow Americans, I’ve reached the breaking point: I’ve finally taken all I can take of out-of-control, intrusive, and unconstitutional government. That is why I support Ron Paul for president.

Over the last several years, even predating Obama’s disastrous first term as president, Americans have stood by as our government slowly strips away our God-given rights in the name of security, equality, welfare, or any number of smoke screens. We intervene in situations over which we will never effect lasting change, such as Afghanistan, causing countless permanent injuries to our troops while costing billions of dollars our country simply does not have. We stand by and watch as our personal sovereignty is eroded and our national sovereignty is handed over to international bodies who do not answer to our laws. Recent examples include Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta telling Congress we need “international permission” before taking military action (http://nebraskaenergyobserver.wordpress.com/2012/03/08/3381/) or recent reports that the United Nations will investigate U.S. voter identification laws at the request of the NAACP (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/03/un-human-rights-council-will-investigate-us-voter-id-laws/) .

Our country is broke. We borrow money from China to fund the everyday activities of our bloated federal government. The Fed manipulates the dollar just to keep it afloat. Every few months Congress increases the debt ceiling but does nothing to address the fundamental problem – we spend more than we take in. This house of cards will soon collapse unless quick and urgent action is taken. None of the three mainstream GOP candidates have offered a plan to fix this once and for all, and the current president has demonstrated by his actions that he has no intention of doing so. Nobody likes bad news; however, it is time we listen and act.

There are many important issues being discussed today. But consider this: if we surrender our country to big-government politicians, socialists and international organizations, those issues are off the table because our right to discuss them and change course will one day be taken from us. We must therefore reprioritize our discussions with individual sovereignty, national security, and fiscal responsibility topping the list, all under the rules of law outlined in the Constitution. I am convinced that a Romney, Santorum, Gingrich, or second Obama presidency will only continue to lead us down the path of erosion on which we find ourselves today.

It is time we wake up. It is time we unite. It is time We the People take our country back. Ron Paul is the only candidate poised to lead us down the path to liberty. 

1 comment:

  1. I come from a very similar perspective and I arrived at a very similar conclusion.

    Liberty is the answer.

